Friday, January 11, 2008

General (R) Musharraf's Weekly Q&A

Gen. (Retired) Pervez Musharraf has recently been spotted on a weekly basis facing a curious audiance. The group is shown questioning our dear leader with various subjects. Contrary to the millatary-man image he has eagerly portrayed during most of his ruling period, it seems now he is willing to show a side that none of our previous leaders have displayed; that is, answeribility.

In the past we have seen prime-ministers, presidents and all sorts of millitary chiefs ruling our country. Few of them, with the a few exception from the "care taker governments", have displayed even a hint of being answerable for their actions and methods of governance. Either they have been kicked out by a millatry regime or by presidents. None of them however, have been found to call upon them bunch questioneers to enlighten the general public about the leader's current and future plans.

However, lets not take everything at its face value. If I have learned one thing from our political history is that no matter how good they say they are, their successors make sure that every bad situation is routed to the "previous goverment".

Yesterday evening I was watching the latest airing of the Gerenal's weekly Question and Answer session I discovered something. It seemed that most of the questions being asked we either too soft or they were praises rather than issues. All in all the "show" did not seem to have the enthusiasm and on-the-edge questions one expects to find in such a setup.

But, I think we should see it as a positive sign. We have to start from somewhere. So what if this session was being held inside the president house. I mean I'm sure the people collected for these sessions are not at all effected by the tons of security guards, guns, and all that goes into making safety of our leadership a real life possibility. Does it not seem that the poeple taking part in question our leader would be influenced but the ambiance.

Anyways, let us hope that such programs are not just publicity stunts.

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